If you’re like most kids, you come home from school every day, do your homework, have a nice dinner with your family, and eventually go to sleep in a warm bed.
If your family is homeless, your life isn’t so easy. Did you know that when Lazarus House was founded in 1997, there were homeless people in our community living in their cars and on the streets?
It took our entire community to band together and create Lazarus House to provide these families with a safe place to sleep, eat and live.
When Lazarus House started, we didn’t have any money. Our very first contribution came from 10-year-old Katie Sunleaf, who decided to give her birthday money to us so we could help people with it. She was just the first of many blessed children who have given freely of their hearts to people who need help.
How Can YOU Help the Homeless?
There are many ways you can help Lazarus House make peoples’ lives better:
- Hold a birthday party and collect gifts for our homeless shelter
- Create a lemonade stand and donate the money you earn
- Make crafts and sell them to family and friends and donate the money you earn
Be creative! We know kids have great ideas, and we’d love to hear yours. To get started helping the homeless, simply fill out this form, and send it along with your donation to Lazarus House. We’ll post your story here on our website for everyone to see!
Our Heartfelt Thanks to these Amazing Kids
St. Peter’s Little Flowers Girls Club, various ages 5-11, Geneva
Addie, Age 5, St. Charles
Abigail, 6, St. Charles
Gigi, Age 11, St.Charles
Ferson Creek Daisy Scouts, St. Charles
Prem, Age 9, Geneva
Liam and Isla, Ages 10 and 7, St. Charles
James S, Age 13, St. Charles
Devin T and Luka S, Ages 9, St. Charles
Sami W, Age 11, Aurora

214 Walnut Street
St. Charles, IL 60174
Main Number & Emergency Shelter: 630.587.2144
Homeless Preventions Services/Rental Assistance: 630.587.5872
© Lazarus House Site Design: Paul Gregory Media